( Everything was made by me save some sound effects, credits going to Beatscribe and YogiTronimal. )

z / a = jump

x / b = shoot

up arrow / up = aim up

down aarrow / down  = interact with x793

you have 10 hp

2 endings based on how evil you are

made in 5 days for this gamejam since I joined late. not my best work but it was fun.


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Woah this was cool! Very short but the easthetic was nice and I felt like playing a video game from the 80s or something good work

I hope there will be a next phase of this game! :)

the cool graphics, the controls are fantastic, the music is engaging..and all in 5 days..awesome!

Very interesting game. Great sprite art.

Hey thanks so much for playing, and thanks for the video! ^^

Nice art!

Hey thank you so much!